Design Tools for CBDOs: Building Your Org’s Design Capacity
Comments Off on Design Tools for CBDOs: Building Your Org’s Design CapacityIn this virtual workshop, community-based development organizations (CBDOs) learned about low-cost, easy-to-use design tools to create and improve their brand identity. They also discovered how design can amplify the impact of their work and how to collaborate with artists to create projects that respond to neighborhood needs.
Speakers include:
Diana Araujo, Architect and Preservationist
Rosa Chang, Co-Founder and President, Gotham Park
BD Feliz, Design Strategist
Martha Hall, Illustrator
Scott Kelly, Graphic Designer
Presented by the New York City Department of Small Business Services (SBS) and Van Alen Institute. This workshop was funded by the New York City Small Business Services’ Organizational Development Avenue NYC grant.
Please reach out to Stephanie Tsopanidis at with any questions.