MIT Norman B. Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism

The MIT Norman B. Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism is committed to fostering a rigorous design culture for the large scale; by focusing our disciplinary conversations about architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture, and systems thinking, not about the problems of yesterday, but of tomorrow. We are motivated by the radical changes in our environment, and the role that design and research can play in addressing these. We embrace conversations with the world’s top experts at MIT, to feed and foster our innovations. We take pride in the fact that participants in the Center do not just talk about things; they create projects, build things, and actively change our society out in the real world; and then come together to learn from each other’s experiences, publish, and debate about future directions. The MIT Norman B. Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism has been established at the initiative of the Dean and department Chairs of the School of Architecture and Planning and reflects a renewed drive to excellence in urbanism.